Author: eswanner


Tania Leung receives Iowa Water Center grant

Tania Leung has been awarded a graduate student award from the Iowa Water Center. Read more about Tania’s project: Leung Selected as a Recipient for the Iowa Water Center’s Institute Research Grant Competition


What makes harmful algal blooms so colorful?

Dr. Elizabeth Swanner reports for the Iowa Water Center, answering the question: What makes harmful algal blooms so colorful? Find out more about the Iowa Water Center at


Red Planet Adventures

Everyone knows Mars is called the Red Planet. But maybe its other nickname should be the Cardinal and Gold Planet. After all, with important research being conducted by Iowa State students like Gabrielle Ledesma (’20 geology) and team, conditions on Mars that led to its red surface are becoming clearer by the day.


New Ferruginous Lakes YouTube Channel

Check out our new YouTube Channel: “Ferruginous Lakes“. The first video describes Nick Lambrecht’s recently published paper documenting two ferruginous, meromictic lakes in the Midwest, U.S.A.


Nick Lambrecht’s first paper on Midwestern ferruginous lakes published

The first student paper in our research group has been published! Check out Lambrecht et al., 2018 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. ( This study documents two midwestern lakes as ferruginous and meromictic, properties that make them useful analogs to past ferruginous oceans.


EPA grant to study Harmful Algal Blooms in Iowa Lakes

An Iowa State team receives funding from the Environmental Protection Agency to study Harmful Algal Blooms in Iowa lakes in partnership with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Find out more at


Lakeside Science

Tania Leung and Erin Atchison spent a lot of time on East and West Okoboji this summer, collecting samples for our Iowa Water Center-funded study on the role of iron in stimulating harmful algal blooms. Read about our Iowa Water Center-sponsored research going on at Lakeside Laboratory during Summer 2017 in an article from the … Continue reading Lakeside Science


Unpacking Secrets of Ancient Earth At Canyon Lake

Jill Riddell reports for the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation on Betsy Swanner, Chad Wittkop, Nick Lambrecht, and Sergei Katsev work to uncover the secrets of Canyon Lake’s geology and chemistry, Read about their research in the August 2016 issue.