
Iowa State University
Department of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences
2237 Osborn Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1027

Elizabeth Swanner
Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences

Director of Graduate Eduction (DOGE) for Geology & Earth Science graduate programs

Graduate Faculty: Geology, Earth Science, Environmental Sciences, & Microbiology
Office: 354 Science I


Interested in joining us?

There are no openings for graduate students or postdocs at the moment, but if you are interested in applying for a fellowship to support your graduate or postdoctoral studies (e.g. NSF GRFP or postdoctoral fellowship, NASA FINESST, etc.) please contact Elizabeth Swanner (

Live near Brownie Lake?

We have an ongoing research project at Brownie Lake in Minneapolis, Minnesota as part of our investigation of groundwater sources of iron to the lake. If you live in the neighborhood around Brownie Lake and are interested in learning more about our study, please contact Elizabeth Swanner (