Mia Riddley Student [ENV E]Mia is an Environmental Engineering major who is interested in water - chemistry, contaminants, and inhabitants.
Tamara McConnell Student [GEOL]Tamara is a Geology major who is currently working with anoxic sediments - their handling, extraction, and analysis for mineralogy and speciation analysis.
Timm Bayer Research Assistant, University of TübingenTimm worked to constrain the Fe isotope fractionation that occurs during Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of oxygenic photosynthetic cyanobacteria. Funding: Carl Zeiss Stiftung
Marina Wüstner Research Assistant, University of TübingenMarina tested how Fe(II) is oxidized by oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, and worked to isolate cyanobacteria from the photic zone of a seasonally anoxic and ferruginous lake in northern Germany. Funding: Carl Zeiss Stiftung
Markus Maisch Masters Student University of Tübingen, visited Iowa State University Sept.-Dec. 2015Markus optimized a flow-through column for use in laboratory-scale simulations of an upwelling system from ferruginous deep oceans that were present in the Archean and Proterozoic. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Tuebingen. Funding: Carl Zeiss...
William McNamara BS Chemical Engineering '16, Iowa State UniversityWilliam built and maintained microelectrodes in the lab, and generated our voltammetric sulfide calibration curve. He is now employed as an Environmental Specialist within the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Air Quality Bureau.
Dr. Wenfang Wu Postdoctoral Scholar/Visiting PhD student, University of TübingenWenfang was determining the quantitative contribution of cyanobacteria and photoferrotrophs to Fe(II) oxidation in ferruginous oceans using a laboratory-scale analogue of an upwelling system. She is now teaching physics in English for grades 10 and 11 at the Beijing 21st...
Dr. Sümeyya Eroglu PhD Student University of Tübingen, visited Iowa State Jan.-July 2016Sümeyya investigated the Fe speciation, concentration, and isotope composition of shallow-water carbonates from the 2.58 to 2.50 Ga Malmani and Campbellrand carbonate platform preserved in South Africa. She also used Carbon, Oxygen, and Molybdenum isotopes to investigate the redox history...
Dr. Maximilian Halama PhD Student, University of TübingenMax worked to define the minerals produced during thermochemical Fe(III) reduction in sediments, relavant to origin of banded iron formation (BIF) mineral assemblages. He also performed experiments related to preservation of elemental signatures sorbed to Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides during diagenesis, and...
Annie Drahos Undergraduate Student, Iowa State UniversityAnnie is an expert phycologist who helped us to identify phytoplankton from Iowa lakes with traditional light microscopy, in order to validate the use of in vivo fluorescence techniques to monitor the composition of HAB. Funding: Iowa Water Center