Farhan Bhuiyan Graduate Assistant [EAC]Farhan is a PhD student studying iron and manganese cycling in lakes, with a particular interest in mineral precipitation and sedimentology.
Mia Riddley Student [ENV E]Mia is an Environmental Engineering major who is interested in water - chemistry, contaminants, and inhabitants.
Dr. Sajjad Akam Postdoc Research Associate [EAC]Sajjad is a biogeochemist with expertise in marine methane cycling. He received a PhD from Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi in 2020. He spent a year teaching at Tribes United Technical College in North Dakota before joining our research group....
Tamara McConnell Student [GEOL]Tamara is a Geology major who is currently working with anoxic sediments - their handling, extraction, and analysis for mineralogy and speciation analysis.
Zackry Stevenson Graduate Assistant [EAC]Zak is working with iron cycling bacterial isolates to better understand their role in nitrogen cycling and contaminant and organic carbon degradation in the environment. Funding: Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination.
Kaleigh Block AffiliateKaleigh is interested in phototrophic microbes living in meromictic lakes. Her project will explore carbon cycling under ferruginous conditions, driven by phototrophs and methane-cycling organisms. Funding: NSF CAREER grant
Jazlyn Beeck AffiliateJazlyn is double majoring in Environmental Sciences and Geology. Her research project looks at soil carbonate formation in Iowa's loess deposits. She is trying to discern the origin of these carbonates, and what they can tell us about microbial activity...
Raisa Islam AffiliateRaisa is a masters student conducting a geochemical investigation of pyrite formation. She is using anoxic lakes to investigate the intermediates and pathways of sedimentary pyrite formation. She uses microscale imaging and chemical analysis on sediments and particulates, and also...