Zackry Stevenson and Michelle Chamberlain awarded Fellowships
Author: Troy Rutter
Author: Troy Rutter
Zackry Stevenson was awarded funding from Itasca Grad Research ‘Director’s Fellowship’. His project is “Influence of Molybdenum on Nitrogen Fixation in Mo-Limited Deming Lake.” He will perform incubations of nitrogen fixation with Mo amendments this summer at Deming Lake.
Michelle Chamberlain was awarded the Itasca Grad Research ‘Director’s Fellowship’ fund and the John Tester Graduate Research fund for her project “Investigating the Role of Iron Availability on the Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum Layer in an Ancient Ocean Analog.” Michelle will perform incubations and make measurements of photosynthesis and intracellular iron in phytoplankton from Deming Lake this summer.
Both students’ research will occur out of the Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories and fieldwork is permitted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.